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September 2018

EZTravelPad Could Use Your Help – Reviews!

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Please Take a Minute to Help us Help Others

You know how important reviews are these days, and we could really use your help with a review on one of the Wedding related websites (The Knot, WeddingWire, Perfect Wedding Guide) or others…read on.

If you had a great Honeymoon or Destination Wedding (or other terrific vacation experience) with EZTravelPad and had meant to leave a review but got busy – or if you tried to earlier this year but found the link not working please take a minute now to leave us that review you had meant to.

We recently discovered that we had some bad links in our follow-up email that we send when guests return from their Honeymoon or Destination Wedding. We’re not sure what happened there, or how long it went on, but we recently noticed that reviews were not coming in like they normally do so I did some digging and found there were bad links embedded in that email so here are the revised links that should now be working-

The Knot


Indy’s Perfect Wedding Guide




If you are registered on either The Knot or WeddingWire then those reviews are of most importance to keep our multi-year string of “Best of” and “Couples Choice” record going…..but if not then reviews on Indy’s Perfect Wedding Guide, Google, Yelp & Facebook are really helpful as well so please do take a minute to help

You know how much people rely on reviews!

Thanks in advance